Thursday, January 29, 2009

End of the day musings (special edition)

So, I start my so called weekend in about half an hour. Go team!

I'm going to go home in the snow and eat some dinner, watch some TV and read some more Batman: Knightfall. I have no idea who this superchick is that kicked some ass on the last page I read last night before I fell asleep.

It's Thursday so I'm not sure what's going to be on TV. I'm sure that I'm not going to be watching the Leaf game. What's the point?

Maybe I'll make some coffee and read and write a bunch. I have a secret project that I have to work on, it's gonna be awesome!

I need to get a notebook back on the go again. I love having the BB to type on, but it's just not the same. I need paper to brainstorm and scatter thoughts, and just write until I don't have any ideas left.

Time to wrap it up... I've been typing for 7 minutes.

On a happy note, I'm off until Sunday and then it's only a 5 hour day. And then the Superbowl when I get home.

If I don't write again until Sunday, don't be surprised.


Morning Musings on all things entertainment

Good morning everyone,

I see in the news tickers and all over the place and Michael Jackson’s Thriller is going to be made into a Broadway Musical. I also see that the director of Thriller (John Ladis) is going to sue Michael Jackson for past profits or something along those lines. Michael Jackson hasn’t been in the news this much for something that has to do with his music in years. I love it. I bet he loves it and I’m almost positive that his family loves it.

In television news, Heroes and Chuck are back with “all new” episodes next week according to the NBC website. I was getting impatient and checked yesterday. A boy can only last so many Monday nights without seeing a bunch of people with super powers.

In the world of books, I haven’t heard much. I know that books are turning into movies like crazy and that women the world over are excited for the release of “He’s just not that into you”. I also know that I haven’t finished my book so I have nothing really to talk about in the world of novels and such.

Umm, in movies I’m sad. “Paul Blart, Mall Cop” has been the highest grossing film in the box office for the last two weeks in a row. And I’ll admit, I like to watch a re-run of King of Queens from time to time, but I’m not sure I ever thought that Kevin James was funny enough to carry his own movie. But what do I know I guess.

I’m sure that there are other things to write about, but I can’t think of them right now. Go to it entertainment seekers.

Here are today’s links for the news that is news. - he’s just not that into you - paul blart, mall cop - nbc schedule – heroes and chuck all new Feb 2 - john landis vs. michael jackson

That’s all for today folks. Enjoy your coffee.
